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Old 09-18-2011, 06:29 PM   #6
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re: Truth is the best defense and my fellowship

Zeek, you are welcome. Speaking the truth these ten years has been a supply to me.

A brother who was setting up the concerned brothers site in 2006 asked me to do that timeline on the church history in the U. S. for the sake of ones contacting him with questions that a timeline might quickly answer. Also, he thought it would be of help to prepare others before they got into Deviating from the Path, a large, very informative book I had just completed after two years work, and had sent to him.

This letter I posted for this thread was sent by email to approximately 30 leaders in the Northwest. I speak to them according to principle, in a follow-up to the lawsuit, asking them What is their scriptural position against me and why? I do understand Carol's remarks about hoping for change, but anyway, I do hope for change and relentlessly pursue oneness beginning with these men who should know better.
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