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Old 09-17-2011, 11:01 AM   #169
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
ZNP, many of your observations are quite compelling, and fascinating. Prior to this thread, I was not aware of those precision stone structures in the Andes. I was aware that modern engineers still don't know how the archeological wonders in Egypt were built. I had attributed their construction to the Israelite slaves and some notion that the ancients were not as stupid as we have been told.
The amazing thing about this site, if it was built yesterday I would know exactly how it was built, they used a very high tech lathe and router and planer, about the size of an aircraft hangar to cut, polish, and tool these stones. And, I could tell you why. Clearly, the tool marks allow you to rig up a crane to pick up the stone and manipulate it in air so that you can interlock the stones like legos. It would make sense that they were doing this in a tectonically active region.

The problem is that these stones were made at least 2500 years ago in South America, in an area with virtually no written record of a civilization. Did they have steel and iron back then? Did they have electricity?

I was looking at an account of how the Romans moved an obelisk which is of similar weight to the largest stones in Puma Punku. They used 700 men and, using winches, they were able to move the stone 30 meters per day. At that rate, you could move one stone 10km in about 1 year. Of course if you had 300 of these winch setups and 210,000 men you could have a whole train of these stones moving at the same time. So who knows, maybe in 10 years you could move enough stones to build a temple complex. Of course, the romans were working at sea level and these guys would be at 4,000 meters and they were moving these stones up hill.

How can a primitive culture afford to spend this much labor on something like this? How do you feed, clothe, and house an army of 210,000 just to move your big stones? Why build this temple complex so high up?

Why is it that no other civilization uses 100 ton interlocking stones? It is because the stones are too big and difficult to maneuver, and the cutting of the stone is too precise, complicated and difficult to do.
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