Do you always ask questions with a sarcastic tone ?
I did not intend sarcasm.
And how much of those 13 years did YOU spend time getting to know the Word of God for yourself ? Did GOD ever speak to you ? And please don't give me some metaphorical answer. It's a simple yes or no. Also..I don't need an answer. It's a question you ought to ask yourself.
I believe God did, but i don't know. No one does. God is not a matter of knowledge but of faith.
What I find so peculiar about the LC is it was the one place we were supposed to be filled w/the Life Giving Spirit..so much 'life'... But I'm finding the longer people stayed in that organization, the further away they got from God.
I can't confirm that. People joined for different reasons and had different experiences. Without more data our generalizations are no more than guesses.
To me, The Word of God is amazingly Living and Powerful and RICH...Full of Wisdom and Insight. He controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives Wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.
He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness,
though He is surrounded by Light.
It is the Glory of God to conceal a matter that is It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them.
I pray it would be to you as well.
Since you included that little clause "to me" I can't argue with that.

Indeed Isaiah 45:15 says "Truly you are a
God who hides Himself...." Thank you for your prayer.