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Old 09-16-2011, 02:25 PM   #161
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
The gives the following hypothetical explanations:

"Archaeologists argue that the transport of these stones was accomplished by the large labor force of ancient Tiwanaku. Several theories have been proposed as to how this labor force transported the stones although these theories remain speculative. Two of the more common proposals involve the use of llama skin ropes and the use of ramps and inclined planes."

Since those explanations don't rely on supernatural or unknown alien beings, everything else being equal, they appear more plausible.
I know I'm probably going to regret throwing my 2 cents in here on this sidebar, but . . . Since we know from the Bible that there is an enemy who is in opposition to the One True God, and these ancient civilizations worshipped other gods in ways that often included human sacrifice, does it stand to reason that these entities may have manifested themselves in some way to these civilizations? And, if so, does it stand to reason that they provided these civilizations with knowledge that surpassed their current understanding? And might then these god entities have put on physical displays that would astound the humans and would encourage further adulation from them?

We know from the Bible that the wicked rulers of the air domain did interact with humans and went too far, prompting God to call a halt to certain interactions. The Bible, however, probably does not record all the details of all these various interactions.

Fast forward to modern day, did these ancient enemies of God (and mankind) just take a break and decide not to interact with mankind any more on a physical/seen level? Do they not still have a nefarious agenda to fulfill? Would they not seek everything at their disposal to further this agenda (but not do it so outwardly or fast as to scare modern man)?
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