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Old 09-16-2011, 01:51 PM   #158
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Who's the eyewitness? You? Or is it heresay? And what did he or she witness? A stone? How do we know how much it weighed? Couldn't the stone have been installed there by a glacier and polished, cut and tooled in the place where it was found? The tribe that is there may be the descendents of a more advanced civilzation like the Incas who had better tools. It's a big leap to space creatures or demons which is not the most parsimonous explanation given the facts. Your speculation about how the stone got there is a hypothesis, not a fact.

Again, I'm not ridiculing anybody. I'm just asking questions. If I had done that before I joined the Local Church I might not have spent 13 years there.

Well I saw an UFO too. All that means is that I saw something in the sky and I don't know what it was. It doesn't follow from that that it was an alien or a demon.
Here is a reference to wikipedia concerning Puma Punku,, no the blocks were not glacial erratics. Archaelogists believe they were quarried 10 km away and then transported from the quarry up a steep incline to the site. We are not talking about 1 stone, we are talking about a temple site that, according to Wikipedia:

"At its peak, Pumapunku is thought to have been “unimaginably wondrous,”[2] adorned with polished metal plaques, brightly colored ceramic and fabric ornamentation, trafficked by costumed citizens, elaborately dressed priests and elites decked in exotic jewelry. Our understanding of this complex is limited due to its age, the lack of a written record, the current deteriorated state of the structures due to treasure hunting, looting, stone mining for building stone and railroad ballast, and natural weathering."

I do not understand your question about "who is the eyewitness".

I think it is undeniable that whoever quarried, cut, polished, tooled, and transported these stones had far better tools than the indians living there today, the question is, why do we have not archaelogical evidence of them? Where did these tools go?

By way of comparison, there is an obelisk in Rome that came from ancient Egypt. It weighs 230 tons. It was erected in the 1500s. It was shipped by boat, and erected using cranes. It was a very big undertaking at the time. Puma Punku preceded this by at least 2,000 years, and whereas the stone in Rome is near sea level, these stones in Puma Punku had to be taken up a steep slope, 10km. There were no ships to transport them. No doubt, putting them in place would require cranes, but how did they transport the stones?

As for cutting, polishing and tooling in place. If we were to do this today we would need huge machines. I have a diamond tipped wet saw for cutting tile, that could not have made these marks, you would need a much bigger machine. We would probably need robots. The stones were designed to be interlocking like legos.

The stones are made of granite and diorite, which are very hard stones and would require a diamond tipped saw to cut.

So somehow, to explain this site you have to explain how a civilization in the Andes at least 2500 years ago had the ability to build this site.
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