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Old 09-16-2011, 01:16 PM   #154
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Well I saw an UFO too. All that means is that I saw something in the sky and I don't know what it was. It doesn't follow from that that it was an alien or a demon.
Well, it was probably most likely something . . .

I certainly know where you are coming from. We truly don't know what we don't know. And even when we think we know often times we don't. We're just making campfire conversation here - nothing to get too serious about. Discuss it. Store the information for possible future reference, and go about pursuing Christ.

I will say that after starting this thread I have learned a bunch of things I didn't know about such topics as crop formations, UFOs, the power principalities have (referenced to the Bible), and the whole New Age movement. In fact, it is startling to see that the core goals of the New Age movement very closely align with seeking the the manifestation of Antichrist. Maybe that's because the founders of the New Age movement were getting their insights and writings, so they claim, from spirit entities. See here for a long but interesting slide presentation on the origins, practices and goals of the New Agers: And lest you think this is just a fringe group, it is not. It is growing rapidly, but more alarming is how much the quasi-spiritism they practice has infiltrated our modern culture!

BTW: If you happen to speak to someone who go on and on with conspiracies (I know at least a couple), you can tell them that you know of the biggest conspiracy of them all. I told a fellow that recently and he was most curious. I said something to the effect of, "It's that the devil has been able to almost completely hoodwink humans into believing he doesn't exist." I went on to tell him the Jesus came to undo the works of the devil, resurrected, and the greatest fact is He can be received as a free gift by any that call on Him. This stopped the fellow pretty much in his tracks, and he said he would consider it. Maybe at some point he will call on Jesus, and/or pray with me . . .
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