Originally Posted by zeek
I don't accept that I have mocked anyone. If people admit they are merely speculating when that's what they are doing, I have no problem with that. If people claim to know when they don't, then they are deceiving themselves. One is doing service to the truth to point that out . No?
Eyewitness account is testifying to the truth, it is not speculating as to cause and effect. it is not positing a theory. However, ridiculing those that do share their experience is not helpful. It explains why people would fear to share their experience.
For example, the founder of Skunk Works, (the research wing of Lockheed Martin that built the most incredible spy planes), had an encounter with a UFO, documented it, and drew diagrams. 25 years later these diagrams seemed quite similar to the planes they designed in Skunk Works. So there are a number of very interesting witnesses and accounts and it is not helpful to discourage them from speaking.