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Old 09-16-2011, 08:34 AM   #149
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Depends on your definition of 'believe'. I know what UFOs are. I believe people have seen flying saucer like objects. I believe people have been abducted by 'greys'. There is a lot of compelling evidence and not one person has been excited and thrilled w/the experience.

Greys/aliens are nothing more than principilaties and powers of the air and spiritual wickedness in high places in other words fallen angels or demons or both. Simple as that. Of the countless of interviews brothers in Christ like LA Marzulli had w/abductees, not one was a true believer/follower of Jesus Christ. One who came close to being abducted applied the Blood of Jesus and the entity released him....but then if you had read my post a while back, you'd know this.
I saw a web presentation last night (from the Roswell Public Library) where a brother was talking about UFOs, etc. He gave many quotes from the scientific community, which were basically saying there is no evidence these things are physical and from another world. Many said that there was a spiritual, but not material, attribute to them. Even the abductions produce very little physical evidence, other than possibly some bruising and physical marks on the bodies of those "abducted." So it seems that this is being carried out mostly in the spiritual realm through visions, etc., with some physical manifestations. Researchers say "abductees" are not lying in that they really believe they see and feel the things that happened to them.

The spiritual aspect is also evidenced by people who have either seen a UFO or had an abduction experience, reporting a greatly increased level of paranormal things happening to them after the "alien" experience. So we appear to be dealing with malevolent spirits here. We are likely dealing with entities who are able to greatly influence our mind, but some physical manifestations are also not beyond them. Oh, and abductees don't claim these experiences were pleasant, and most are actually quite traumatized by it, with feelings of confusion, fear and darkness.

Current statistics show close to 70% believe in some sort of extraterrestrial life, up from about 10% in 1950 - which is alarming. One in ten say they have seen a UFO. Between 2-3% claim to have had some kind of more personal encounter.

But praise the Lord, these spirits are subject to the power and authority of Jesus Christ. The encounters stop when people call on the Lord for help! (adding evidence to the claim that they are bad spirits and not exterterrestrials)
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