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Old 09-16-2011, 08:02 AM   #145
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Claims of close encounters with aliens or demons without physical evidence are like my invisible fire-breathing dragon. Possibly pure hokum.
Having taught Forensics I agree with you that physical evidence is a much more reliable witness than the eyewitness accounts. I also consider photographic evidence suspect, as well as crop circles.

But, no one can deny that a stone that is 600 tons, polished, machine cut and machine tooled and transported up a mountain to 4,000 meters is physical evidence.

The site of PumaPunku is where an indigenous indian tribe is living snce the time that this site was there. This tribe does not have written language, much less power tools, saws, excavators, tractors, 18 wheelers, etc.

To me, to ascribe the PumaPunku site to the local indigenous indian tribe is as absurd as your dragon in the garage story.

So then, how do you explain this stone, this site, this physical evidence? And this is just the tip of the iceberg, I have alluded to many other examples during this thread, but if you can give a satisfactory explanation for this stone, then I would be happy with that.
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