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Old 09-15-2011, 09:57 PM   #141
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
I stand corrected. There's way more loopy people than I realized. 80% believe in angels ....

The unseen world must be crowded ...

Who needs demons when humans are such idiots....that believe in things they've never seen or experienced, willy-nilly.

Well...according to the "world" of awareness, count me among the loopy idiots, because I have seen 3 angels in my lifetime. 2 of them when I was in the church in San Diego. I actually saw them...but then being a loopy idiot in your world, no need to tell you what they looked like or what they were doing.

According to your views Daniel must have been a loopy idiot when he saw Michael the Archangel. Mary the mother of Jesus was also among the loopy idiots when she saw Gabriel the Archangel. Yeah...bunch of loopy idiots in the Bible by your standards Harold... and I'm blessed to be counted among those 'loopy idiots' Daniel, Mary and the other Marys who went to Anoint the Body of Jesus only to be told by an Angel, He had risen...

I also recall someone named Thomas did not believe the disciples saw Jesus when they told him He appeared to them... hmmm... I believe he felt like a loopy idiot in front of Jesus and the disciples when Jesus re-appeared to them several days later....

I guess you must see the Bible as filled with lies because many people saw angels and if they saw angels, they had to believe they saw them and if they saw them, they were loopy your loopy idiotic book that is.

I think it is the people who do not believe in angels because they have never seen one..are who are the idiots.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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