09-15-2011, 12:37 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Florida
Posts: 4,223
Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion
Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
The human pendulum does swing to extremes, does it not? I do know what you are saying regarding the LC practice of narrowly defined thinking! How many times have I heard, "Get out of your mind brother!"? (But then what do we do with Paul's exhortation to "think on these things" - is that not an act of the mind?!)
I certainly have the freedom to bring up the topic in this thread, or anything else, unless the Lord constrains me. But the premise of the statement is still valid, that anything other than Christ can become a big distraction and/or outward form if we let ourselves look away from Him. (i.e., "Apart from Me you can do nothing.")
So we can certainly have this discussion, but let's be sure to keep turning to Jesus to ask what He thinks . . .
Sounds like a plan...