Thread: Evil Books
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Old 09-15-2011, 11:49 AM   #65
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Default Re: Should lies prevail?

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
"It is not a matter of whether someone is right or wrong. He might be right, but still he offended the Body. We need to see the Body. What the Lord wants is the Body….”

The Problem of Ambition
Those who took the lead in the recent turmoil did not care for the Body. They also misunderstood us. Such misunderstanding comes mostly from ambition. If a person did not have any ambition in a certain matter, he would not have any misunderstanding. If a person desires to gain something for himself and does not get it, he may feel that he has been mistreated. Actually, he was not mistreated by others, but was misled by his own ambition. The problem here is the desire to achieve something for themselves.
Offended whom? Does offending a minority of brothers constitute offending the Body? Reading this quote with historical context, that is what it amounts to. The Body is not representative, thus you cannot say only a select few are qualified to discern the feeling of the Body. That my brothers and sisters is to go beyond your measure.
We know in part what the quote was referring to as what "offended the Body". The 18 points from 8/28/88. Never knew of these point existence until the last 5-10 years. Personally I was helped by these points and was not offended in the least.

Talking about ambition. There are different types of ambition. It's one thing for a brother to try to gain a following. Did the quarantined brothers try to do that? No. They gravitated towards saints who would receive them.
If they are guilty of any ambition and myself included, it is to be treated with dignity. Who wants to be shunned? Who wants the ability for mutual communication cut off? This is considered a "misunderstanding"? Unless there is communication, there is no way to clear any misunderstandings.
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