Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
1) Many view science and technology as being the ultimate savior of mankind. The explosion of technology is astounding. And we are getting into some pretty far out things such as advanced artificial intelligence, biogenics and the manipulation thereof, and even paring the two together.
2) At the same time humans have an extreme fascination with space and the possibility of extra-terrestrials. .. UFOs, alien abduction, crop circles, etc.
I am beginning to have the thought that the way many will be deceived will be a combining of the two above things. It will very hard to resist if someone shows up who can demonstrate an absolute superior mastery of technology (apparently producing life itself?), and appears to come from light years away, who lays claim and responsibility for mankind being here . . .
Thoughts? Has this been discussed before here?
The mainstream church doesn't like to, or want to, or know how to address these questions but there are many, many Christians who are digging deep addressing these topics, me being one of them.
Keep in mind
Ephesians 6:12
"Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but
against the principalities (rulers),
against the powers,
against the world forces of this darkness,
against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places"
Satan is the master deceiver. To the world, he will trick them to believe ETs, Aliens, etc (all of which are fallen angels) are sent here to 'save' mankind. Many Christians believe when the dead in Christ rise up and we who are alive are caught up with them in the clouds to meet Jesus in the Air in the twinkling of an eye, Aliens will land on earth in their UFOS deceiving them with signs & wonders.
Isn't it interesting that the famous alleged crash of an alien spacecraft took place at Roswell, NM in 1947, on the heals of Hitler's defeat and
Israel once more became a nation in May of 1948? When Israel became a nation again, Satan knew that his time was short and the Lord would be returning soon. Since then Satan has accelerated the pace imo to brainwash and deceive the masses to believe in aliens and UFOs.