09-14-2011, 07:54 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Florida
Posts: 4,223
Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion
Originally Posted by awareness
I don't think you fight demons sis CMW. You know better. You call Jesus in to do the fighting.
And that's way different then jumping your husbands mother and sinking your finger nails into her face, like my preacher friend's wife did.
By the way, to her I was the anti-Christ. Not because she knew anything about me, but that I have been a friend of her husband since Jr. High School. That was enough for her to go into a rant, on the phone, about me being the anti-Christ, and going to hell. Telling me she has power over demons. An example she provided to prove it was, she condemned to hell the pigeons pooping on her awnings, and they left. Believers can get crazy on the Satan/demon thing. Either that or she brought insanity to her beliefs, dragged it in, and syncretized insanty with Jesus, especially concerning demons & the devil.
Truth is God gave us a free will. And that concerns toward God or the Devil. Neither of them can violate our free will. Satan cannot sneak into us without checking with the keeper of the door, which is us. But that applies, I suppose, to those of sound mind. Crazies are another matter, they still remain a wildcard mystery, even to the professional mental health providers.
Yet Christ comes to the crazy ones too. Of course. And we should love them. But only up to a point. When they resort to battery to beat Satan, it's time to tuck them away from society ... and not be married to them.
So my preacher friend couldn't live with her, and did something that went against everything he believed in. He divorced her. He's now a ex-preacher with ambitions to be a preacher again ... not likely ... living with his mother ... for lack of income ....
So, from this anecdote we learn that preoccupation with demons can be a symptom of mental illness. I don't mean to imply that any of us is mentally ill, of course.