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Old 09-13-2011, 02:59 PM   #68
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
How could Pember know what the devil does and doesn't do? He just spoke out his backside. Pember was a nutjob.

Truth is it is we that use the idea of the devil to get what we want.

An example is the Europeans claims that the native American Indians were possessed of Satan, as evidenced by them dancing around their campfires.

That gave the Europeans the right to commit genocide against the Indians, so they could take their lands.

The idea of the devil served them well. They then had a right before God to kill the Indians.

Truth is man is more of a devil than the devil is... I fear humans way more than I fear the devil....
One opinion (regarding Pember); I hold another (but to pursue would proably go down a rabbit hole). Yes, hard to justify what Europeans did to the American Indian. Sad and really deluded if they thought they were doing God's work!

The Bible says the devil exists and shows us his intentions (steal, kill & destroy) - therefore Satan is the ultimate enemy, not man.
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