Thread: Evil Books
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Old 09-13-2011, 01:54 PM   #63
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Default Re: Qualified to discern leprosy

"Furthermore, we have to realize who has the function and qualification as the priest to discern leprosy among the Lord's children." - WL. 1993

Brother Lee felt that he alone could discern leprosy in the Body. The truth is that he could not even discern his own condition and that of his son, Philip, who was fully unqualified to be in and among the saints directing and instructing elders and young people, corrupting them, as well as LSM staff sisters.

Excerpts from Problems Causing Turmoil

Witness Lee
: "When we accept someone at the Lord's table, we have to consider the Body. According to the practice of Rom. 14, we accept all of the Lord's children, but according to Rom. 16:17 we have to mark those who make divisions, and turn away from them. We cannot receive division-makers who have been quarantined by the Body. Furthermore, we have to realize who has the function and qualification as the priest to discern leprosy among the Lord's children. Again, this is a matter of practicing the Body life. If a local church receives someone who has offended the Body to the uttermost, that local church is obviously not going along with and not one with the Body. We have to take care of the Body.

...But receiving a person who has made trouble in the recovery and who is still making trouble involves the Body very much. If we behave ourselves properly, we are okay in the Body. But if we commit something that is condemned by the New Testament, the Body has the right to say something. The Body will check with a local church if there is a division-maker among them whom they have not disciplined. If they do not discipline such a one, they are wrong and offending the Body.

To know the Body is the proper recovery of the Lord. If we are for the recovery, we need to realize what the recovery is.The Lord desires to recover the missed Body of Christ and to recover the neglected oneness of the Body of Christ. This is the Lord's recovery."

Brother Lee's discernment of leprosy was so far off that he considered John Ingalls such a leper but not his own son.

When Philip was finally removed from his position at LSM and excommunicated in the church, WL took him to a Lord's table meeting at another LC, the church in Cypress. Did he respect the feeling of the Body and the churches then?

He also had no discernment of the divisive activities of Benson Phillips, Ray Graver, and Andrew Yu, among others
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