Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion
My wife just called me on her cell to mine. As we were talking something occurred to me and I said, "You're in Ohio and I'm in Scottsdale." We marveled for a moment that the things we hold in our hands allow us to hear each other clearly from over 2,000 miles away, yet there is nothing visible connecting us. We usually take all this very much for granted, don't we!? But the signal is sent, unseen, through the air.
There are so many things we don't see, yet are so real . . . and we marvel that sometimes evidence of them appears in often unexplained ways.
To me all of these unexplained things add up to evidence that there is much more going on just behind the curtain than we're ever aware of. Pember says that the enemy would just rather we not believe in anything unseen, and that way he has us just fine. If he did things too blatantly, perhaps people would get scared and turn in mass to the living God. But Satan still has an agenda he wants to carry out, so he must subtly prepare us for it. Not too much, all at once - just boil that frog slowly . . .