Originally Posted by awareness
Well that's all very interesting. Thanks. But you weren't there for any of these listed events. And every picture I've seen of UFOs look corny to me. With all our photographic technology these days, can't we take better pictures? I mean, we're able these days to see galaxies billions of light years away, and we can't take a decent picture of a UFO?
Which is why I find ancient artifacts, soil samples, Polaroid photos (much less likely that this was doctored, long story, but very unlikely that it was doctored), nerve damage, other illnesses, and underwater monuments more compelling.
I do consider radar corroborated with pilot sightings to be better than merely eyewitness accounts. In think in one case they had radar from 5 different locations corroborate the sighting, so electrical malfunction is a very unlikely explanation.
But all of that aside, the most compelling evidence is a stone structure in Peru, I forgot the name, I could look it up. They have granite stones, weighing in excess of 200 tons, that could not possibly have been cut by hand. They involved very precise cuts, and intricate cuts. what is more, they were transported a great distance up a mountain. The idea that slaves with ropes were pulling these is absurd. These stones today would involve the biggest machines we have to quarry them, cut them, transport them, and put them in place. How primitive indian tribes many thousands of years ago worked with these stones is completely unexplained. The only thing you could possibly argue is that there is a big and significant gap in our record of human history.