Originally Posted by awareness
Good conclusion. You could have just as easily superimposed whatever you wanted to believe upon that pushy "spirit."
And your friend should have had himself checked out by a doctor. Cuz a medical condition might answer why his shoulder was jerking back. Or he could have been fakin ya ....
Due to the recent strong experience I had, and my fresh relationship with the Lord, I was in a much heightened state of spiritual awareness. I was aware of, to some degree, unseen forces around me. Even the weather was very peculiar that day, with the loudest nearby lightening blasts (three of them) I had ever witnessed. We were standing on a corner getting ready to cross the street. I was to the right of him, and out of the corner of my eye I saw his left should moving violently backwards. The movement was not natural at all and really startled both of us. He exclaimed, "What the!" I responded by just saying "What?" He said, "Something just pushed my shoulder back real hard." Just then it happened again. The movement didn't appear to me to be anything he was doing. It was just as if someone had shoved him on the left shoulder. He stumbled a bit and nearly lost his balance. This freaked both of us out pretty badly, and we quickly got away from that place.
To my knowledge, nothing like this had happened to him before. I spent significant time with him over the course of a couple years, and never saw anything similar. He was not a practical joker type either, and was normally pretty subdued in his character.
Things that are seen were made by that which was unseen, and sometimes the unseen manifests itself more plainly in the seen. I do believe, one day the Lord will reveal to me what all was going on during that time . . .