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Old 09-13-2011, 08:37 AM   #51
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Other than what people claim about demons and alien abductions, is there any evidence for these phenomena?
Of course. There was a sighting in which three people in a farm saw a craft, one went and got a polaroid and took a photo of a ring left on the ground. The ring glowed. Soil samples were taken by a local police department and had very peculiar traits (the soil had become extremely hydrophobic). The farmers wife touched the glowing soil and had nerve damage in her hand.

There is a case of a flying saucer crashing in west texas and a creature being buried in a cemetery in that town. The craft was buried in a well and then covered up with concrete (this was prior to Roswell around the turn of the century). About 50 years later the land was sold and the new owner drilled a new well for drinking. he came down with an extreme case of rheumatoid arthritis that killed him and which he blamed on drinking the well water.

There is a hunter gather tribe in Africa that believes we were visited by aliens coming from a star in Orion's belt. They have a ceremony that they do every year in celebration and this includes a metal cast of the star system. The problem is that their model is very accurate and could only be constructed with the aid of telescopes invented after the time of Galileo, long after this ceremony and model were first used.

It is also interesting that the Egyptians also believed that aliens came from a star in Orion's belt and the three pyramids are also a model of that system. Also, the Pueblo indians, or some other indian tribe in the SW US believed that aliens came from a star system in Orion's belt.

Ancient artifacts taken from the oldest pyramid in Egypt include a small wooden airplane that was found to be aerodynamically correct (when scaled up and put into a wind tunnel it proved that it was an accurate replica of a glider with the proper angle of attack and good aerodynamic properties).

Ancient artifacts taken from Mayan sites include gold trinkets that look exactly like fighter airplanes. One was scaled up and with no changes at all to the body of the plane (they put an engine inside the fuselage) it flew very well. These gold trinkets do not resemble anything in nature.

There are very many examples of military aircraft being scrambled in pursuit of UFO's these include sightings by pilots, observations on radar, and bizarre and impossible flight characteristics. There is a case of an Iranian jet pursuing to 60,000 feet before losing control, there is a case of Jet fighters during the Falklands war encountering a UFO, there was a case of a nuclear base in Britain that was a US base having a documented encounter with a UFO.

Off the coast of Japan they have discovered a huge stone city (Temple?) that is under the ocean. It is at a level below sea where the last time it was above sea level was more than 20,000 years ago. They found similar structures off the coast of India.
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