Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Interesting. I have known mentally ill Christians who were not always credible witnesses though. One young schizophrenic brother whom I knew in the Church in Miami said to me during a lucid moment when I visited him in the hospital after he had slit his own throat, "The mentally ill often come to Christ, because they are the ones who need him the most."
When I was doing crisis intervention in the late 80s a schizophrenia patient described being abducted by aliens from a mental hospital. Those aliens were so clever to abduct the guy from a mental hospital knowing that no one would ever believe his story!
Another patient was a women who alone lived in the Florida Keys. It was easy for the aliens to stuff their alien instruments into the orifices of her body while she was alone down there. The psychiatrists just thought she was psychotic. Those aliens are really smart. They rarely abduct anyone that is believable.
But not everyone I've known who claimed a close encounter with aliens was mentally ill. At a Love Feast one night, former elder of Church in Detroit, Harry Ahlers [anybody remember Harry?] described in graphic detail about a huge flying saucer that had flown over him just above the tree tops when he was working all night as a security guard.
According to my experience, ordinary people who I would have liked to have "go away" did NOT go away when I called on the Lord or rebuked them. Maybe space aliens are more sensitive then humans.