Originally Posted by zeek
I saw a UFO once in Fort Lauderdale. I was with a group of people who saw it. It was a glowing elipitical shape in the sky. It appeared to be out over the ocean. It moved in an irregular pattern backward and forward unlike a standard aircraft. Then it disappeared in a flash as if it had taken off at such high speed that it couldn't be tracked visually. I have no idea what it was except that it looked like the typical flying saucer cliche. I don't have any theory about aliens whom I am generally skeptical about. I recently heard a far-out story on the radio that the Roswell thing was a hoax perpetrated by the Federal government to create hysteria in the Soviet Union.
Zeek, go here to read testimonies from Christians who saw or were involved with UFOs:
http://alienresistance.org/ce4testimonies.htm Many testify that after prayer, calling on the Lord or rebuking them, they go away!