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Old 09-12-2011, 11:58 AM   #24
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Let me briefly throw out my "extreme" views, which include ZNP's post.

Billions of years ago, God created the heavens and the earth thru His Beloved Son. The universe was filled with planets and suns and galaxies to express God's manifold wisdom and untold creative genius. Probably a large multitude of these heavenly bodies contained life forms of all kinds -- plants, animals, and more. Myriads of angels and other spirits were created to worship God and assist in this universal undertaking. Some or all of these actually may be older than the universe. The administration of this universe was turned over to Lucifer, His topmost archangel. Myriads of angels, some of which were elders, assisted Lucifer to orchestrate and groom a marvelous and expanding universe.

That is, until Lucifer began to consider how wonderful he was. He wanted to be equal with God, and a third of the angels thought so too. They fought God and those who remained loyal to God. The universe as a result became chaotic, a lifeless shell of its former splendor. Destruction and waste characterized the creation of God's former glory. Then only thousands of years ago, God chose planet earth to restore a habitable and temporary home for man, whom He would create in His own image. Though Lucifer and his minions lost the battle and were condemned, they were left alive and at large for God to further use to accomplish His goal.

One day this marginally suitable earth and the entire universe shall be discarded for something new and infinitely better in every way.
Everyone loves a good story. And this qualifies as one. Thanks.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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