Originally Posted by awareness
Well I read a lot. And I went thru a Zecharia Sitchin period. Sitchin translates Sumerian hieroglyphics, and tells of how "the gods" came from outer space, and mixed their DNA with that of apes, and in some cases mud, to create the human race ... and the purpose of that human race was, to serve the gods.
But I'm one that don't put a lot of stock in what others have to say. People can be wacky and see wacky. One of my neighbors, for example, goes up to the restaurant and fights with invisible people, that he acts like he sees, but nobody else sees.
I have to encounter it for myself to really buy into it.
And I'm insulted. I must not be outer-space-peoples kind of material. They've never visited me, and I never seen their spacecrafts, and have never been abducted, or had my orifices probed. I'm a space alien's reject.
But I'm not superstitious about all the possibilities of UFOs. We may not be inclined to admit it, or even see it, but we're space aliens. The earth is every bit in outerspace as any of the so far discovered 125 billion galaxies.
And if outer-space-people exist why should we just assume they would be demons? Cuz in truth they'd qualify as neighbors that we should love.
Check out the testimonies of Christians regarding UFO encounters here:
http://alienresistance.org/ce4testimonies.htm Many testify that after seeing the things (including those appearing as ghosts, dead loved ones, etc.) and having encounters with other beings for some time, that by turning to the Lord these things go away permanently! They want nothing to do with Jesus Christ!