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Old 09-11-2011, 07:32 PM   #7
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Well I just watched a DVD I got from the library that was pretty surreal, given the discussion here. The title is "What on Earth? Inside the crop circle mystery." These things are most prevalent and quite prolific in south England, but have been observed all over the world. The video appears to be made by a New Age person, as she has a lot of these types of folks speaking.

While a few of these things are made by humans (usually as hoaxes), the ones that are the big mystery don't exhibit any signs of mechanical makings (which the man made ones do). Their construction and vastly intricate geometry, I'm convinced, are not of this world (or more accurately, not of this physical dimension). Plus the shear number of these things appearing would keep several huge team of people and equipment very, very busy. And it all happens at night, with no evidence of those responsible ever found.

According to the DVD, there seems to be an energy inside these things that interferes with electronics, such as cell phones and cameras. The New Agers go completely goofy with this stuff. They even claim several healings when people are standing in these things.

What is really alarming is some of the things that were said on the DVD. In referring to the phenomena, the DVD producer said, "It has the power to transform the world if we would just let it." Yikes! They believe a UFOer will come to reveal themselves and take responsibility for all of this (i.e., creation). They kept talking about a new transition that will happen to world. They think humans will very soon transcend to another plane. There were several references to many eastern religions, and the Mayan calendar (no mention of Jesus, and only one mention of the Bible). At the end it asks, "Are we being prepared for contact?" Lord Jesus have mercy - they don't know what they are saying!

And here's something I found particularly interesting. They talked several times about two views that had been divergent, but now are coming together. One view is scientific materialism; the other is concerning spiritism. This is almost exactly what I said were the two areas I perceived that are converging, which I stated at the start of this thread. (I hadn't seen this video at that point.) But on the DVD they say that the two are coming together, and it will likely be fully manifested by this coming extra-terrestrial! Wow - is that a setup or what?!
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