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Old 09-11-2011, 04:20 PM   #4
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Default Re: Antichrist - Alien & Technology Discussion

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
This is certainly not an "article of the faith" topic by any means. However, I seem to be seeing a trend in things, and I wondered if there are others on here who are thinking in a similar way. (I'm not the first by any means - one can certainly find other Christians who have written books, or have websites, that are thinking like this too.)

Two areas I'm considering:

1) Many view science and technology as being the ultimate savior of mankind. The explosion of technology is astounding. And we are getting into some pretty far out things such as advanced artificial intelligence, biogenics and the manipulation thereof, and even paring the two together.

2) At the same time humans have an extreme fascination with space and the possibility of extra-terrestrials. This is fueled all the more with the reports of unexplained phenomena such as UFOs, alien abduction, crop circles, etc.

I am beginning to have the thought that the way many will be deceived will be a combining of the two above things. It will very hard to resist if someone shows up who can demonstrate an absolute superior mastery of technology (apparently producing life itself?), and appears to come from light years away, who lays claim and responsibility for mankind being here . . .

Thoughts? Has this been discussed before here?
I watched a special on the great pyramid recently. In it they pointed out that there were over 2,000,000 stones each weighing on average 2 tons. In order to lay those in place it would require one stone every 3 minutes being put in place non stop for 30 years. They also showed video of the inside of the pyramid where you could see how incredibly fine these stones were cut. The seems were amazing. Now they were trying to give a theory on how this could have been done. I have seen many theories, but don't buy any of them. Some of the biggest stones in the great pyramid were granite and were 60 tons in weight. There are other stones that were put in place in some other structures the Egyptians built that were around 200 tons.

Personally I find all of the theories presented so far totally ridiculous. For example, they say that they were cutting these stones using copper wire and sand grains. They demonstrated how two people working very hard could, after hours of very difficult labor, get a cut close to an inch into the rock, though not granite, a softer rock. The problem was they didn't even completely cut out one stone weighing 2 tons and yet we're supposed to believe they cut 2,000,000 of them, at a rate of one every 3 minutes? Also, although it did appear that given a good whip, two guys could cut a stone at about a quarter of an inch per hour, the problem was that the result was not as clean a cut as the joints you can see inside the pyramid. So they never demonstrated how they got such clean and straight cuts. Also, they were cutting limestone, a rock much softer than the granite blocks on the inside of the pyramid.

How do slaves lift a stone weighing 200 tons and put it in place? The pulley and lever contraptions they suggest would take a day to set up and move a large stone, they were plopping these stones down every three minutes.

The US would go bankrupt if they tried to build the pyramids today, how is it that the Egyptians could do it thousands of years ago?

How did they see inside the passageways inside the pyramid? If they used torches we would expect to see soot on the walls, but we don't find any soot.

Today we don't use 60 ton blocks of granite or 200 ton blocks of stone because the machinery to move such things would be incredibly massive. yet we are supposed to believe that slaves with ropes and sticks were pulling these things across the desert?

Many questions, so far, no answers.
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