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Old 09-11-2011, 08:24 AM   #211
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by Paul Cox View Post
Some of us might remember being taught about the "Seven-fold Intensified Spirit," from Revelation. The impression we were given was that in these last days of degradation, the Lord has intensified his "move on the earth" through the Local Churches. It always bothered me: as if the Lord didn't get his planning right, and had to rev it up toward the end.

The other night I was reading T. Austin-Sparks' Golden Candlestick, Volume 158, The Throne of God and of the Lamb. In there he beautifully explains the significance of the sevens in Revelation. It's the number of covenant. Everything the Lord does with and through His people is based upon a precious covenant He has made with us.

How precious is that? you don't normally make covenants with those who are not your equal. You just over power them. But the God of the universe has made a covenant with us. From beginning to end, all his doings with man is based upon that covenant.

You see the difference? Lee's teaching on the subject is church-centric; movement centered. Sparks' is Christ centered. The point of Lee's teaching was to keep us in his movement, in fear and trembling lest we miss God's "intensified" move in these last days. God has put the metal to the pedal in the Living Stream Churches, and you dare not miss it. It could mean 1000 years in a dark closet.

I like your point that, Lee was "movement" centered -- his -- while Spark's was Christ centered -- His.

And what hubris and gall is it to ascribe the seven spirits of God as Lee's Recovery Movement ... like the Recovery was the Reformation but intensified by the seven spirits of God ... to tackle intensified corruption in Christianity ... of which Lee obviously thought the Reformation was part of, some kind of intensified corruption added to that of the RCC ... poor, poor, poor, Christianity.

In the end : seven lamps, are the seven spirits. And we have seven heads and ten horns in that book ... and all those crazy horses ... and stars falling to earth (like that's gonna happen more than once -- the author of Revelation, whoever that was, sure didn't understand what stars were ... but then how could he?).

In the end :
Who has the necessary omniscience to fathom the book of Revelation? Such omniscience would require deity. Do we really think we are God enough to understand the book of Revelation?

I guess Lee thought he was God enough ... but Lee was delusional like that.

Harold Camping thought he was God-omniscient enough to understand it, and preach it. But when he failed, and Jesus didn't return, the wiring in his brain melted down, and he's now in a nursing home, from a stroke, trying to maybe be rehabilitated. Will he come out less insane? or more? still thinking the Bible gives specific details and dates and such? Let's face it. The Bible is a good book (in places). But it sure can make some people crazy and batty.

Methinks there's a good chance that, Lee was Bible batty ...
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