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Old 09-10-2011, 12:19 PM   #206
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Igzy, According to your 1st sentence, Paul was wrong in Galatians 4 to allegorize Sarah, Hagar, Mount Sinai and Jerusalem. You also are condemning much of the book of Hebrews, chs 4, 7, 9-10, at least.

Nigel makes many good points. I especially like his pt#6, "Redundant". But these scholars who say that the meaning of all scripture is limited to what the author and his audience at that time understood are totally extra-Biblical and very wrong based on the New Testament explanation of the Old.

-Steve Miller

We have had some discussions concerning the limits of proper Biblical allegorizing. Obviously LSM's extreme views on "total" allegorizing enabled them to justify attacks on former members and entire LC's, claiming their "leprous house needed to be torn down for replastering." These extreme exclusive views could thus condone all manners of unrighteousness, violating scores of plain Bible instruction. The other extreme of "zero" allegorizing was first taken by Protestant reformers in the aftermath of the dark ages. Rome could use the Bible to say anything they wanted. The fact that the reformers went to the other extreme was according to the leading of the Spirit.

Tomes has provided a few good guidelines concerning healthy allegorizing, citing several examples, but still many questions are unanswered. Many in the LC's have a history of just looking to the footnotes to see "what the verse 'really' means." Thus they miss the obvious message of the author, like the example of the Good Samaritan, and overly rely on WL's interpretations, thus completely missing the Lord's plain instruction to love your neighbor. The quarantine of TC and others highlights these dangers all too well.
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