Originally Posted by Unregistered
Igzy, According to your 1st sentence, Paul was wrong in Galatians 4 to allegorize Sarah, Hagar, Mount Sinai and Jerusalem. You also are condemning much of the book of Hebrews, chs 4, 7, 9-10, at least.
Actually, it was to Abraham that the promise (a covenant) was made. As Abraham and Sarah are "one flesh" it is reasonable to assert that the covenant is also to her. So it is not as much allegory to speak of the son of Sarah and the son of Hagar in this manner. Almost more literal than we might initially think.
And one statement in one context does not override all exceptions. It is clear that Jesus and some of the other NT writers used the OT allegorically in places. It was not stated that there are no allegories. Just that it is not open season to allegorize everything. And thatt is all tha Igzy said.