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Old 09-09-2011, 06:17 PM   #203
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
We should only attempt to find allegorical meaning in things that are plainly meant to be allegorical, such as parables, symbolic language and visions, like those in Ezekiel and Revelation. When Jesus said, "Don't put new wine in old wineskins" he wasn't just talking about the care of alcoholic beverages. He was clearly painting a picture that needed to be interpreted. But to allegorize the story of the good Samaritan--whose meaning is plainly the face value of the story, that is to be compassionate and caring--is just to go around the bend.
Igzy, According to your 1st sentence, Paul was wrong in Galatians 4 to allegorize Sarah, Hagar, Mount Sinai and Jerusalem. You also are condemning much of the book of Hebrews, chs 4, 7, 9-10, at least.

Nigel makes many good points. I especially like his pt#6, "Redundant". But these scholars who say that the meaning of all scripture is limited to what the author and his audience at that time understood are totally extra-Biblical and very wrong based on the New Testament explanation of the Old.

-Steve Miller
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