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Old 09-08-2011, 05:39 AM   #106
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by rayliotta View Post
Thanks Ohio, I'm enjoying the great grand-Moodies as I type. (wikipedia and youtube are my friend)
ZNP and awareness discussed the "question of balance" which history has wrestled with, vis-a-vis whether the formation of Israel balanced the loss during the holocaust. awareness faulted God for allowing the holocaust, while ZNP pointed to the nation of Israel which resulted. I added to the mix noting that diasporic Jews at heart cared most for their children's children's children, and most ashkenazi Jews saw the self-determination afforded by the Palestinian homeland worth the price. It is a well-known fact, that as a people, the real Jews put their children first before themselves.

The Moody Blues analogy came to me when I remembered that the "Children's" album (OBW's avatar) preceded the "Question" album, (Sons to Glory's Avatar) and I pointed out that in the greater scheme of things, both God and the Jews placed their "children" first, thus outweighing the "question of balance" debate which has long existed.

On a personal note, about the only genre of music that I ever really loved was the british progressive rock of the late '60s early '70s, of which the Moody Blues excelled.
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