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Old 09-07-2011, 08:02 AM   #95
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by Paul Cox View Post
Once a brother returned from an LSM "training" where Lee had been pontificating over one of the minor prophets. The brother gleefully reported to me: "Well, he did it again."

Did what again?

"Saw the church-life in the book of_____"

Lee "saw" the church-life in almost every verse in the Bible. When he couldn't, then the writer had a problem. He was a one issue man.

Recently I had given to me a footnoted bible by Jimmy Swargart, another one issue man. In just about every footnote there is the revelation of the Cross of Calvary. Not to take away from the Cross of Calvary (God forbid), but I believe God was trying to show us more than just that.

Neither do I think that God's whole intent was to show us the "church-life" in Job and every other book in the bible.

But in Lee's case, he had to make his version of the church-life supreme, lest anyone dared to think of leaving. You know, the whole thousand years in darkness thing.

Which is why the LSM push to make WL the MOTA and stifle all other voices is so negative. If WL was merely one brother and you had many others speaking as well it would be wonderful and healthy. Once you lose the balance of the Body then the ship tips over and sinks. Gene Gruhler was something of a one issue brother when I was in the LRC, he seemed to always give conferences on the children's work. As just one of many voices that was wonderful and healthy. the Body needs balance.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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