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Old 09-06-2011, 06:58 PM   #82
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
The answer in a nutshell of Jesus was to just surrender to it.

And Lord knows many times, during suffering beyond anything I've ever contemplated, I've found victory in surrendering.
Jesus did not just "surrender to it". He demonstrated clearly that the foundation of a government is righteousness. Expose the unrighteousness and you destroy the foundation. This would never have happened if He hadn't been a spotless lamb or if He had been careless in speaking.

Second, any historian can see the corruption, lies and deceit in all of the various human governments through the ages. What better way to require that the man on whom human government would be placed would be one who had been tested and found faithful even unto death, and that the death of a cross?

To ignore the defeat of Satan and the resurrection of Jesus is ignore a major portion of the cross.

Did Mahtma Ghandi just "surrender to the suffering of the British" or did he also defeat them in the process? They once mocked, asking him "do you think we will just get up and walk out of your country?" His response was "yes, that is precisely what you will do".

He could have organized a rebellion, as the future Pakistan leaders wished, but that would have led to a civil war and chaos. As it was, it was an amazing transition of power in human history.

Did God create the British govt that was taking advantage of India? Yes. Did God also create Mahtma Ghandi that all may see, not just the "christian" countries, but even the non Christian that there is none beside God and that He does all these things?
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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