Originally Posted by awareness
But I think Witness Lee done a bad job on the book of Job Life-Study precisely because he couldn't admit the truths revealed in Job, between God, the devil, and Job and his family.
It's hard to admit that God can be indifferent to suffering and misfortune. But we see it all the time. We saw it recently with hurricane Irene, over 40 died, and now with the drought and fires in Texas, even after over 3000 believers in the Bible as the word of God praying for rain. God said no ... and here's some fires.
The Jews during the Holocaust put God on trial for being indifferent to their suffering, and found Him guilty. Then afterwards went back to their respective cells to pray.
As humans we just have to accept the indifference of God. And there's nothing we can do about it.
The answer in a nutshell of Jesus was to just surrender to it.
And Lord knows many times, during suffering beyond anything I've ever contemplated, I've found victory in surrendering.
In Message 3 of the Life Study of Job, WL said "The Bible shows us that although after God judged Satan, God still allowed him to be free to accuse, attack, damage, persecute, and martyr His saints"
Awareness, isn't this what you are saying?