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Old 09-06-2011, 04:12 PM   #77
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 600
Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
What is truly evil is not the earthquake, but it is the city that was built on sand (Kobe) which was over a fault zone. A city that any geologist could have told you would be destroyed by liquefaction when the earthquake hits. Yet they build it in blindness.

What is truly evil is taking hundreds of millions of dollars to wall up the Mississippi river when any geologist could tell you that the result would be total catastrophe if a hurricane hits.

What is truly evil is fighting terrorism with little remote control airplanes that anyone could afford to build. Teaching the entire world of potential terrorists that you don't need a 747 to strike terror into a US city.

These calamities demonstrate that our societies and civilization is built on sand, not on the rock. We did not listen to these sayings of Jesus and we did not do them. This is why the calamities are evil.
So, where do you live again, Mr. ZNP, I forget?
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