Originally Posted by UntoHim
[COLOR="Blue"]Zeek, no God did not create everything.
God did not create sin or greed or evil for that matter.
Well the book of Job reveals that God let's the devil do his dirty work ... and limits him. So God is too behind evil, ultimately. Sorry UnToHim, but that's what the Bible says.
This is a philosophical bottomless pit that has no place here on this thread, and probably not on this forum.
I'm glad you brought this up. So what and who belongs on this forum? I thought anyone out or in the local church belongs on this forum.
So is this forum only for those that came out of the LC and became Bible thumpin evangelicals or fundamentalists?
I thump the Bible. But I'm not an evangelical or fundamentalist.
Witness Lee based his whole theology on the Bible being the word of God. In that way he was able to puzzle piece verses of the Bible together to develop his systematized theology.
So as far as I'm concerned, that assumption and premise is fair game.
But if not, if there are perimeters that limit exLCers from sharing what they've become since the local church, and they have to come out with only certain beliefs and points of view, please let us know.
Maybe I don't belong on this forum.