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Old 09-05-2011, 07:43 PM   #38
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
I have not gone into detail on my take on this book, I have only given an overview...
Bro Z you are just full of surprises. What a wonderful post/response. I tell ya it warmed the cockles of my heart.

I was a young boy when I fell in love with the God Jesus spoke of, represented, and exemplified. And I'm still in love with Him.

So when I come across a depiction of God that's otherwise from the God Jesus represented, I become concerned, irritated, and sometimes riled.

And the book of Job is just one false depiction of the God Jesus represented.

The book of Job depicts a God that is heartless and indifferent to the sufferings and misfortunes of Job and his family ... all to prove a point to the lousy devil ... all to win a bet with the devil about Job ... that God knew the outcome before hand, and so was unnecessary.

And then, after Job's friend's derided him, and accused him of pissing off God, God comes out of the whirlwind bragging how big and strong he is, like saying, let me kick Job too, while he's down.

And God never owns up to Job. He never comes clean with Job, with what he allowed the devil to do to Job and his family. Instead God acts like a woman that's done something very wrong, knows it, but instead of owning up to it, goes on the offensive. Makes me wonder if God isn't a woman.

So, I fell in love with the God of Jesus early on in life. And it wasn't until later that I met the God of the Old Testament. And I never liked Him. It's like there are two different Gods ; the one Jesus spoke of and exemplified, and the one in the Old Testament.

There's only one way I've found to reconcile these two Gods. I'm forced to look upon the God of the Old Testament as Hebrew tribal mythology ... projected and used as cover for a mean, nasty, thieving, and killing, desert tribe ... who thought they were God's chosen little pets in the universe.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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