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Old 09-05-2011, 08:12 AM   #30
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Perhaps you misspoke?
I did not mis-speak. I just have gotten there yet.

But I don't know if I'm gonna actually go there. I don't think you guys reaaly want me to.

I might be casting pearls to swine, so to speak (not that you guys are swine). Maybe I should keep it all to myself. Maybe God delivered it to me, and it's not for others.

The book of Job is a literary device, trying to explain why bad things happen to good people.

By the time the book of Job was written this conundrum was long beforehand being debated.

The earliest account is what is called The Sumerian Job, written 2000 years earlier. They too were wondering why bad things happen to good people. And their gods met once a year.

The book of Job is a compilation, written over a long period, and edited and added to along the way. The core of Job may have been taken from the Sumerian Job, a common motif concerning bad things happening to good people.

And Rom 3:10 says, "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one"

Yet the book of Job says Job was righteous. Contradictory?
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