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Old 09-05-2011, 07:48 AM   #29
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

So God wasn't really pretending, all present knew that God is omniscient, and God was just making small talk with Satan, like humans do. All the writers of Job has done is to anthropomorphize God.

And what about "the sons of God?" We assume they were angels but that's just conjecture. The sons of God gather before the Lord, and Satan takes the spotlight.

ZNP says the book of Job is about building a man, Jesus, Jesus is a son of God, but he's not mentioned at all. Instead Satan gets the spotlight, and must be a son of God too, if he's allowed there, but the sons of God is not mentioned anymore, and Jesus, the supposed man God is building, is not mentioned at all.

Is this not odd?
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