Originally Posted by awareness
I went to the trouble to present all the verses in the New Testament that, referenced the book of Job, cuz I was hoping there was a remote chance that brother ZNP might be onto something.
Thank you, your hard work is much appreciated.
Originally Posted by awareness
But I found no evidence to support ZNP's claim that the book of Job teaches that the purpose of man is to express God, nor do I find any evidence that the book of Job is about God building a man.
If it were true, then the New Testament writers would have picked up on it and ran with it. They didn't.
I am tempted to misquote John Houseman here, but that wouldn't be decent.
Originally Posted by awareness
So unless our brother ZNP can pull a rabbit out of his hat, and prove otherwise, I'm forced to conclude that bro Z's claims are totally his concoction, pretty much made out of whole new cloth.
Relax, I will respond. However, I have no intention of pulling rabbits out of these verses, only Christ, the Church and God's purpose for man.
Originally Posted by awareness
I might add that both his claims come straight from Witness Lee. Who taught that the purpose of man is to express God, and that it would be accomplished by "The Building" culminating in the New Jerusalem.
Well I am glad you added that because otherwise this entire post is off topic as well as all the verses you posted. They should be in a thread "Job and the NT".
I think everyone will agree that WL taught certain Bible truths, and to say that "Justification by Faith" came from WL because he taught it is absurd. WL gave a Life Study on Job, I have quoted relevant quotes from the Life Study to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that WL did not teach any of this about Job. Therefore, it is ridiculous to say that my claims come straight from WL. If I had stood up during the LS of Job and taught this I would have been shouted down as being rebellious.
So, WL taught the Purpose of Man is to express God. That is a Bible truth. If you want to discuss this truth start a new thread. WL taught the Bible culminates in the NJ. That also is a Bible truth. If you want to discuss that truth, start a new thread. But WL also taught that there is nothing of God's purpose in the book of Job. That is a "Lee esque" teaching. I did not teach that. You and OBW did. If anyone has "Lee esque" teachings on Job it is you and OBW. You should have the common decency to admit it.