Re: Pray-Reading
Originally Posted by awareness
Good catch bro Paul. "In as much as ye do unto the least of these ye do unto me." And what does it say about pray-reading? Isn't pray-reading in this way espoused then just an escape? Maybe all pray-reading is an escape. Maybe it's just a way to deny reality.
Maybe pray-reading, in the end, was a way to make the mind numb so that we/they would be good followers, robots, of Witness Lee.
I too "can't believe we fell for that sewer water for so many years."
It wouldn't be so bad if WL had practiced what he preached and "pray-read" away his difficulties with John Ingalls, instead of running a smear campaign against him and others. If pray-reading was such a "family cure all," why did the practice fail so miserably for WL's own family?
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!