Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
In that active discussion I was accused of having "Lee esque" teaching. I challenged this, in Post #165, Elvis has left the building, "If this is so Lee esque, why don't you quote what Lee shared on the book of Job. Lee never shared any of this. This is a genuine straw man argument that you have not provided the least bit of evidence to support. Provide one quote from WL that he interpreted Job this way, because I never saw it."
I promised one response in this thread. I will make to to this opening point in this post. Then I will leave it to the asylum.
I am not going to read the remainder of your post. I see that it essentially ends with the same 3-point statements about what that verse about God's arm and voice are about. This is one of the very statements "out of the air" that I need more than your words about. They need to connect to the text. But instead you say that because we are to bear the image of God we are to have it. Huh?? Say again??
The answer to the above point you make is to note that you don't actually read the questions. or you don't actually want to respond to them. So you create one strawman after another. Complain that I am calling you a liar or something like that. It really doesn't matter because nothing Lee shared is relevant to the discussion that I thought we were trying to have or to my complaints about your posts.
It is this. And only this. Your method of interpreting scripture does not seem to actually deal with the scripture being used. You make statements about God suggesting we should have an arm of strength. Or that it is really about the One New Man. But when I can't see how you get from the verses you use to that position, you just mock me and do not give a response. That is what is Lee-esque. Say your piece, refuse questions, and mock those with different interpretations. It would appear that your interpretation is based upon something that is not being revealed. Until you reveal it, there is no rational basis to accept your position.
Awareness asked for something that takes us, step by step, from Job to the One New Man. You don't even try. I ask the same question. Not to help out awareness, but because I don't see it either. More of the same.
But, from past experience, I would expect that right about now you would be gearing up to go quote more Lee from his life study of Job and prove that you are not just being Lee-esque.
And then, once again, you would answer a question not asked but claim that you had.
That is a strawman. Plain and simple. I guess you think everyone else is too stupid to see through it.
I do. And I'm tired of your madness. It needs a method. And an opening so that you can check to see when it is ultimately right or wrong. Instead, you seem to presume that I and everyone else should just accept your word for everything and shut up.
So I will.