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Old 09-03-2011, 04:05 PM   #197
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Default Re: The Lord's answer to Job

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The only thing I will apologize for is not reading your entire posts. I assume you make your point in the first couple paragraphs, and I characterize the entire post based on that. Should the end of your long posts be significantly different from the beginning, and I miss this, then I am sorry. I feel that I do a great service to other posters by keeping my posts "short, quick, and to the point."
And so you judge on incomplete information. It is your error, not mine.

You say that I am making certain statements because of specific words that you assert cannot be overcome by caveats. Again, it is your error, not mine.

I provide an example in which verses are read and used incorrectly. If I think that the verses are being used incorrectly here, then there is a comparison. I did not make it to be an identity in all matters. If you cannot separate the comparison made from any other comparison that might be made, correctly or incorrectly, then it is your error, not mine.

And it becomes much more "evident" that there is a problem in the interpretation being put forward when, upon a request for a basis for the interpretation, none is given but my comments related to those verses (or to the book as a whole, in the case of Job) are thrown back in a manner that mocks my position but does not answer the questions concerning the original interpretation.

As to the quantity of verses quoted, it is becoming evident that the balance of the opinion of the forum is that providing a verse, or better yet, a lot of verses makes everything right. And further, even to demonstrate the gross error in interpretation, if it is not then backed by a bunch of scripture (even where the suspect interpretation is simply "out there") then the question is presumed ignorant and the interpretation correct.

I did not say Lee-esque to say he was like Lee in all ways. Or that he teaches any of the things Lee teaches. But the methods, especially as seen here in this case, are full of the methods that Lee used, all the way down to dismissing any question of the position claimed. And I say the question is dismissed because the question is never answered. It is simply ignored or mocked.

I read every post, and even re-read the ones that ZNP was so certain about.

It is becoming evident that there is no reason to remain as a participant of this little forum. It took almost 3 years, but we have once again turned on ourselves. It is true that some do it with sweet voices. But it is a sweet expression of a dogma. From a position of no desire to even reconsider.

I will make one more post in the new thread on Job, and that will probably be it.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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