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Old 09-03-2011, 05:44 AM   #3
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Personally, I feel that the accusation that I was teaching "Lee esque" is patently untrue.
Aside from the personal I see this Lee-esque as very positive.

There was a time in my life if someone said I was Lee-esque I would have taken it as a compliment. And it would have prolly given me a big head.

But now we look at it as a derogatory term, a put-down.

And look at you bro ZNP. You've come a long way. You no longer consider it a good thing to be called Lee-esque. What a turn around! And you want an apology for being called such a awful thing. Boy we've all come such a long way.

And I personally don't know that you are being Lee-esque. As I see it what you are doing is way to common to be specific to Lee.

Because I can't see what you see in the book of Job it looks as if you are seeing something that is not there.

But I could be wrong. Unlike the Song of Songs the book of Job is quoted and referenced in the NT.

It would be interesting to see the quoted material from Job side by side with the NT.

I could do it, but it would be a lot of work. And I've seen brothers out here that have the ability to do this with a certain Bible aid that they purchased. Maybe they could help us, and in the end what you claim to see could be vindicated.

Anyone up to it?
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