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Old 09-02-2011, 12:24 PM   #193
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
The primitive Cargo Cults proves that imitation is part of basic human nature.

So of course we think that if we can just get the church today to be modeled after the early church, God will bring the cargo for us.

It's funny thinking ... especially looking at the Cargo Cults -- but it's in us just the same.
Maybe cargo cults just prove that uneducated natives are gullible. I mean where else are cargo cults seen but in those cultures (not counting tenuous analogies). I don't think cargo cults prove anything other than without proper interpretation of events outlandish speculations are possible.

The fact that cargo cults are obviously deceived does not mean that repeating previous patterns will likely not reproduce previous results. Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't. It all depends.

If I lay out in the sun, I'll get a tan. Every time. But if I hang a drawing of the sun from the ceiling and lay under it I'm just ignorant. Repeating a previous pattern in an attempt to repeat a result is not foolish, it's called learning. Cargo cults just didn't learn enough.
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