Originally Posted by OBW
That is a cheap shot. You should be ashamed!
I'm not ashamed. It's not a cheap shot. Maybe you should read your own posts. Perhaps you should edit what you wrote. There was no misuse of scripture. Actually, there was a serious lack of scripture on your part.
If anyone should be ashamed it's you. You said ZNP was "Lee-esque." You compare ZNP's use of scripture to the Pharisees. No caveat could correct your comparison. Using both "Lee-esque" and "Pharisee" even rises above the dreaded "C-word." You knew what you were doing. That's why the moderator mentioned "flaming."
The only thing I will apologize for is not reading your entire posts. I assume you make your point in the first couple paragraphs, and I characterize the entire post based on that. Should the end of your long posts be significantly different from the beginning, and I miss this, then I am sorry. I feel that I do a great service to other posters by keeping my posts "
short, quick, and to the point."