09-02-2011, 08:50 AM
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 3,824
Re: Elvis has left the building
Ok guys, I'm not sure how this all went from "discussions" to all-out thermonuclear war, but can everybody just take a step or two back?
I never really understood the title of the thread - until I went back and did a careful reading of the opening post by aron. It's really a GOOD and thoughtful post, well-deserving of discussion. I'm not saying I agree with his contentions there, but the post was very well thought out. I plan on a response when I get the time.
I guess somebody at some point started this talk about God and evil, I don't think it was aron (if it was let me know aron, sorry) But in any event, someone also brought up the subject of Job - to me quite irrelevant to the topic at hand - but while were on the subject I think this post by zeek can guide us back to some kind of sanity here.
Originally Posted by zeek
Nevertheless, none of this answers the problem of evil in anything like a parsimonious way. Evil has a pivotal role in the Christian interpretation of the Biblical narrative. Theoretically, as far as we know, God could have spared his creation the existence of evil, but for reasons of his own which are perhaps intimated but never explicitly stated or explained in the Bible, chose not to. He allowed evil in order that history would express his glory which includes a greater good than would be realized by a simply perfect but static creation. Still, we must recognize, that this is a theodicy which is by no means self evident in the empirical world. It is thoroughly and completely the answer of faith "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Thanks zeek for this gem, it's one of the best posts I've ever seen on this or any other forum.
So guys, let's do one of two things here. One - go back and read the opening post by aron, and take some time to give a thoughtful reaction to what he has written. Two - Put your thermonuclear weapons away, read what zeek has written here, and take some time to give a thoughtful reaction. I suggest we leave Job and his well-meaning friends out of the discussion for now.
I am NOT going to take sides here. Sorry if that disappoints anybody. But on the other hand I am NOT going to let members to create such a toxic atmosphere by flaming each other back and forth. Many of us have known each other for years, and there is no reason to get so darned offended at something somebody posts. Sometimes people post what appears to be something "personal" and then the flame wars begin. What I would rather see if that the person offended would sent a PM to that person instead of going at it and disrupting the thread.
Finally, as you can see I want threads to stay on topic! There is far too much wandering away from the beaten path. This is not fair to the person who started the thread nor to the people trying follow it I can assure you all that there are MANY MORE people who are lurking and reading then the few who participate. Wouldn't we all just love to have some new blood around here? I can also assure you that there are lots of very interesting people out there, lurking and reading. Can we blame them for not wanting to get involved in food fights and flame wars. Most people simply don't have the time for that.
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11