Originally Posted by OBW
This kind of talk undermines the very fabric of a forum like this. It is packaged in a way that cannot simply be ignored. But it is busy ignoring the very real things that God has said in a rush to make it all about us. All about us becoming the One New Man. Or some other overarching construct that is used to reinterpret virtually every scripture.
And, once again, this is very Lee-esque. You don't have to like the comparison. But it is real.
ZNP has continually quoted scriptures to support his views, but
OBW and
awareness do not. Sounds to me like OBW's "
kind of forum" is based on sarcasm and natural reasoning. awareness's kind of forum is based on unbelief, portraying God as a buffoon.
Since OBW cannot respond to ZNP's understanding of the scriptures, he resorts to the ultimate "cheap shot" -- calling ZNP "Lee-esque" by his quoting of scripture.
It's quite interesting how the God-basher and the Lee-hater have corroborated together to oppose the Bible-quoter.