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Old 09-02-2011, 06:14 AM   #153
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Default Re: The Lord's answer to Job

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
You didn't ask these questions. But I will humor you since Job did.

God answered those questions by saying that Job asked the questions from a position of ignorance. And he asked it as if he should be able to demand a satisfactory answer within his understanding. But God asserts that he (Job) does not have the standing to understand. He does not have the counsel to ordain the very fabric of the universe. He does not have the power to make it so. Yet he challenges the only one who does as if a created being has the standing to challenge the creator over how things were made.
Wow, that is some gospel. Basically Job wanted a satisfactory answer and God said he doesn't have the standing to understand! Sweet.

Unfortunately for this interpretation, it is false. We have learned quite a bit about how the Earth was formed. We have also learned quite a bit about the "foundation" of the Earth.

1. Our foundation is completely related to having a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. As a result we have a magnetic field that shields us from deadly solar radiation. And yes, we are well able to peer into the core of the earth using seismic waves and established physical principles.
2. Our foundation is also completely tied into our moon, which is unlike any other moon in this solar system. Our moon is the result of a collision with a planet that was similar in size to Mars. As a result we do not wobble on our axis of rotation. If we did, like the other planets do, climate change would be so extreme that we would constantly have major extinctions on this planet.
3. Our foundation is also completely tied into the fact that the core of the Earth is generating tremendous heat from radioactive decay. As a result we have plate tectonics, without which we would not have life on this planet as we now know it, Perhaps the only thing that would be able to survive would be bacteria.

Now what is interesting is that once you realize the key components of the Earth's foundation that set the stage for life you also realize that they all took place when the Moon collided with the Earth. The most catastrophic collision in all of Earth's history. So it has a very nice relevance to the catastrophes that have befallen Job.

I also object to the idea that we cannot understand the fabric of the universe.

The NT says "be imitators of God". God is a creator. Imitating the creator helps us learn about and then use the creation. Computers, telecommunications, space ships and satellites, electricity, etc. These are all examples of how imitating God can open our understanding.

We also learn, as we understand how the universe and our world works, how to live in it without being subject to natural catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes.

So I find your interpretation to be completely untrue.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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