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Old 09-02-2011, 05:22 AM   #140
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Default Re: The Lord's answer to Job

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I will address your comments surrounding Job by speaking to this specific point.
We should have and arm and a voice like God? I hope you are saying that with a "yeah, right" sarcasm because otherwise you are suggesting that God said this because he intends that we should actually have such an arm or such a voice.

If that is what you are saying, then I must strongly disagree. God is making it clear that we are ignorant of the creation. That we are powerless. That we have no sound of authority. God did it his way. He did not take counsel from even one of us. (This despite Bill Cosby's Noah suggesting that God just send rain for 40 days and nights until the sewers back up rather than the ridiculously large number God originally said. "Right!!")

How anything transpires on the earth is not ours to make demands concerning. We did not create it. We did not ordain the laws under which things work. We didn't even get to make suggestions. God is not suggesting that we are in the process of getting there. We cannot demand that it all change because we have no say in it either way. On what basis can you read this any other way?
According to the context God has answered Job's question by asking Do you have an arm like God, do you have a voice like God?

Job's question directed to God, though lengthy and somewhat difficult to piece together is in three parts:

1. What was the purpose of my life?
2. Who and where is the one who can judge the wicked? Also, to be fair, this judge should have eyes of flesh.
3. What was my sin that you have caused me this sin?

I read your response and it is not an answer to these questions. How is your reading of what the Lord said and answer to Job's question?
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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